We support

Danish Hospital Clowns

We are proud to be a sponsor of the Danish Hospital Clowns, who are there for all hospitalized children regardless of their diagnosis. Danish Hospital Clowns are a safe hand to hold when life in the hospital hurts.​


Esbjerg fB’s history stretches back to 1924, when the club was founded, and over the decades there have been a multitude of upturns, with lots of titles and medals and fantastic matches nationally as well as internationally, but also as a series of downs in the form of relegations and poor play as a result.

“At ML Energy Solutions, we support EFB as here in the house we believe that you should support locally. In addition, for everyone at ML Energy Solutions, EFB is a large part of the past as a huge gathering point for people of all ages. EFB is both on club and association plan a common gathering point for ordinary people who love EFB and football.”

The Danish Cancer Society - cancer is not for children

The Danish Cancer Societys  purpose is to fight cancer and their consequences. Specifically, we work with research, prevention and support for patients and their relatives, as well as advocating for the patients before the authorities.